Home PC Kills Apache – Skype is the culprit

Some students have reported that the XAMPP control panel runs apache and mysql but then the servers quit.

As it turns out this is due to a decision by Skype to use PORT 80 as a secondary PORT for communicating with their Main Server. Port 80 of course is the standard port for web traffic and so Skype and Apache collide.

There are a number of possible solutions:

Start Skype, selecting TOOLS, OPTIONS, Connections and un-check the use of PORT 80 as an alternative port for incoming calls. Then close and re-open Skype. XAMPP should now run.

The second solution is to change the port on which Apache operates.  In a related post we detailed how to edit the httpd.conf file for Apache to can tell Apache to “listen”only on and the same approach can be done to get apache to listen on another port. Change the Listen line from using 80 to 8080 and then restart Apache after saving the configuration file. The only problem with this is instead of typing in the regular http://localhost/ as the address, you’ll have to type in http://localhost:8080/

Some have asked what is a port? We will cover in class next week but you might want to see:


If you are using VISTA you probably have worse problems. You might try this video:




3 Responses to Home PC Kills Apache – Skype is the culprit

  1. alleningrad says:

    Thanks, Gord. My home PC is now alive and well, thanks to your instructions!


  2. throughthetubes says:

    Ok, however I’ve never adjusted my port on my computer. I’ve figured out that I access the exceptions this way:

    Start>Control Panel>Security Center

    Then: Under “Manage Security settings for:”
    Click: “Windows Firewall”
    Click: “Exceptions” tab

    Then I get a bit lost….I’m assuming I’d click on “Add Port,” but I don’t know what the “Name” should be or if I just put in the port number directly or if I need to put something else. I also don’t know which radio button should be checked, TCP or UDP?

    Any one have any advice?


  3. alleningrad says:

    Yes, closing Skype allows Apache to run properly.

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